Your Home. Smarter.

Remember in those old movies when you’d see somebody control lights, doors, and features in their home just by saying it out loud?

Walk through the door after a long day, lock it with a voice command.

Getting dark? Turn on the lights with a voice command.

It’s the dead of winter and you could use some warmth? Turn on the fireplace with a voice command.

This is no longer movie technology. It’s recently come to life in the most stylish, affordable, and user-friendly way imaginable.

Synapse Smart Homes consists of a team of highly experienced, highly skilled tech visionaries that are on a mission to give every home a major makeover.

Your smart home works with your smart phone to create a hands-off, voice-on experience that allows you to:

  • Operate lights and features without getting off the couch or out of bed

  • Never worry about whether or not you locked the front door, or if the garage door is closed

  • Lead dinner party guests to believe you’re the second coming of Tony Stark

  • Much, much more

How much more? Schedule a consultation with Synapse Smart Homes to find out…
